As to the general military situation, it is difficult to
speak with any precision, for Sir Redvers Buller most wisely keeps his own counsel. It is clear, however, that he is as rapidly as possible accumulating a considerable force at Estcourt, and when that force numbers some twelve thousand men or so, with plenty of artillery, it will doubtless move. We must not, however, expect the Estcourt force to be ready all in a minute, for, though the transports are daily coming into Durban, the work of disembarking the troops and horses and guns, and sending them up country, is necessarily a long and difficult process. Meantime it is said that a force for the relief of Kimberley is already on its way. The question as to exactly where Sir Redvers is hinntelf and what he is actually doing is puzzling and annoy- ing the public ; but they must remember how infinitely more puzzling and annoying the mystery of his movements must be to the Boers.