18 NOVEMBER 1899, page 14

A History Of English Dramatic Literature. By A. W. Ward.

3 vols. (Macmillan and Co. 36s.)—The first edition of this elaborate history, issued nearly a quarter of a century ago, has long proved itself an indispensable book of reference......

Scottish Ws And Character In Anecdote And Story. By William

Harvey. (Eneas Mackay, Stirling.)—Rather too large a literature has been produced upon Scottish character as ex- hibited in "good stories" ; so much for the extraordinary......

Mcian's Costumes Of The Clans Of Scotland. (david Bryce And

Son, Glasgow.)—This is a new, one-volume, but "complete and unaltered," edition of a dictionary of the Highland clans which was originally published in two quarto volumes. It......