Mr. George Wyndham In An Interesting Speech Delivered To His
constituents at Dover on Monday, made a point which should be noted by persons who still believe in the likelihood of a successful invasion of these islands. He pointed out that......
The Irrepressible "mr. Dooley" Has Turned From The Dreyf As
case to the Transvaal. In a monologue on the war contributed to the New York Journal, he describes President Kruger as follows :—" Krueger, that's th' main guy iv th' Dutch, a......
Mr. Birrell, Who Was Among The Speakers At The Anchor
Dinner at Bristol on Monday, complained that unless people were prepared to declare that the patriotic muse of Rndyard Kipling in language, style, and matter marked the very......
Speaking At Newcastle-on-tyne On Tuesday, Lord Kim-...
to the view that this war was inevit- able, admitted that he had always thought that the difficulties in the way of avoiding it were very great. Mistakes had been made in the......
On Tuesday The Statue Of Cromwell By Mr. Thornycroft Was
unveiled without any ceremony. The statue, though placed in the kind of giant's area which cuts off the side of Westminster Hall from the roadway, is raised on so lofty a......
Sir Michael Hicks-beaeh Made An Excellent Speech At The...
Dinner at Bristol on Monday. As to the future, he clearly foreshadowed the policy we have have always upheld in these columns,—the policy ex- pressed by Lord Salisbury. Having......
At A Meeting At The Queen's Hall In The Evening,
Lord Rosebery gave a quite admirable appreciation of Cromwell and his work, and showed once again how great is his sym- pathy of comprehension in matters historical. After......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.
New Consols (21) were on Friday 1031.......