18 NOVEMBER 1899, page 29

Letters To The Editor.

THE FUTURE OF THE BRITISH ARMY. [TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Your article on "The Future of Our Army" in the Spectator of November 11th will be welcome to many who......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."]

SIR,—All who are interested in the future of the British Army will welcome the article in the Spectator of Novem- ber 11th. Now is the time to found an "Army League," that it......


ENGLISH PROSE. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—He who aspires to conquer style leads a forlorn hope. The world hates it, and the professed critics bate it most bitterly......

Bacon And The Boer War.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Nearly three hundred years ago Lord Bacon, in his essay "Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates," wrote :— "By all means it is to......


THE SCHOOLFELLOW. OUR game was his but yesteryear ; We wished him back ; we could not know The self-same hour we missed him here He led the line that broke the foe. Blood-red......