18 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 29


SIR,—All who are interested in the future of the British Army will welcome the article in the Spectator of Novem- ber 11th. Now is the time to found an "Army League," that it may do for the Army what the "Navy League" has done for the Navy. Such a League would be of immense value in directing public opinion to Army questions. Take, for instance, the difficulty at present experienced in recruiting for the Militia. I know of two Lieutenant-Colonels of Militia who are of opinion that the difficulty would be largely met by calling up the men for their drills in the winter instead of in the summer. The men are largely drawn from the ranks of casual labour, and can find employment in the fine weather which they cannot obtain in the winter. To alter the present arrangements would entail the provision of additional barrack accommodation, but I would venture to suggest that the reduc- tion in the number of the unemployed in the winter which the alteration would help to bring about would more than recompense the country for the initial outlay.—I am, Sir, Sze., WALTER F. WILSON.

Junior Constitutional Club, November 14th.