The Parson's Daughter. By Emma Marshall. (seeley And Co....
story was left unfinished at Mrs. Marshall's death, and has been completed by her daughter, a task that has been well done. The tale is constructed, so to speak, round some of......
The Odds And The Evens. By Mrs. L T. Meade.
(W. and H. Chambers. 5s.)—Mrs. Meade must have the credit of putting out of her mind, with a singleness of purpo se which few writers attain, the thought of pleasin,:r......
Cassell's Saturday Journal. (cassell And Co. '75....
with its usual variety of entertainment and interest. There are stories, anecdotes, sketches, things serious and things humorous, and a quite extraordinary amount of the......
FOUR BOOKS FOR THE SEASON.* MR. CLARK RUSSELL'S fascinating sea-stories have an equally fascinating supplement in this "Story of the Ship." A certain literary etiquette compels......
Various Volumes That Combine The Attractions Of Picture...
may be mentioned together :—Indoor and Out (Blackie and Son, 2s. 6d.) contains little tales and fables— the fables are, perhaps, the best part of the book—contes after the......
Beasts : Thumbnail Studies In Pets. By Wardlaw Kennedy....
and Co. 4s. 6d.)—The " pets " are, for the most part, of a kind which few people observe very carefully. Among them we find a tortoise, a green frog, lizards, slow-worms,......
King Baddma's Word ; Or, John Aikin's Adventures In Madagas-
car. By Robert Thynne. (John Hogg.)—Mr. Thynne has told the story of the early days of Australia in two successful books. He follows it up with one about Madagascar, not so......
In Founders Of The Empire, By Philip Gibbs (cassell And
Co., Ss.), we have some storios that have been often told before, and will have to be told often again, for every generation likes a setting of its own for these familiar......
Peril And Patriotism. 2 Vols. (cassell And Co. 4s. Per
vol.)—These "True Tales of Heroic Deeds and Startling Adven- tures" have a sufficiently good right to the title by which they are collectively called. There is " peril " in all......