18 NOVEMBER 1899, page 18

Mr. George Wyndham In An Interesting Speech Delivered To His

constituents at Dover on Monday, made a point which should be noted by persons who still believe in the likelihood of a successful invasion of these islands. He pointed out that......

The French Chamber Reopened For Business On Tuesday, And It

at once became evident that the conduct of the Ministry during the Recess had greatly exasperated the Opposition, both Reactionary and Socialist. The main assault made was on......

We Regret, However, To Perceive Signs That The French...

which relies in part on a Radical vote, is more than half inclined to conciliate extremists by letting them loose against the Church. The police have already been sent to search......

The German Emperor, Who Arrives On The 20th Inst., Has

apparently found it necessary to cut his visit short. He goes, it is stated, to Windsor and to Sandringhan, but be will not visit Lord Lonsdale, and he has declined an......

Both The Russian And The Japanese Governments Anxiously...

reports that any " strain " exists in their relations. On the contrary, the Russians assert, an agreement has been recently made under wh.ch Corea is to remain "in- dependent."......

The Emperor May, However, Be Sorely Wanted In Berlin. The

Reichstag reassembled on Tuesday, and there are at least three subjects on which the Government will seek votes that it may not be easy to secure. There is the Navy Bill, upon......

Sir J. Wolfe Barry Made On Wednesday A Most Interesting

speech on the congestion of London. He believes that the " retardation " of business traffic between East and West, more especially coal traffic, costs the trade interests of......