18 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 35

A Pictorial History of the Transvaal and South Africa, edited

by Commander C. N. Robinson, R.N. (George Newnes), is the work of more than one pen. Mr. John Leyland tells "The Story of South Africa," and Mr. David Hannay describes "The Dream of a Dutch Republic." This is the really important point in the controversy. If the Boers really had this hope, peace was impossible from the first. The illustrations are interesting, and the maps will be found useful.-=—With this may be mentioned Boer War, 1899, by Lieutenant-Colonel H. M. G. Bruncker (W. Clowes and Sons, is.) This is a second edition, containing an account of the organisation and distribution of the British forces in South Africa. The names of the Staff and other officers in all branches are given, with an estimate of the strength now and soon to be available. A diary of events, and a brief Recount of the past relations between Great Britain and the Boer Republics have been added.