18 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 35

Country Matters in Short, by W. F. Collier (Duckworth and

Co., 3s. 6d. net), is a volume to which we cannot do justice in the brief space that can be allotted to it. Mr. Collier writes about various subjects, but a good half of his essays is devoted to the dog ; and in every one of them there is something worth reading and re- membering. We may mention among them, "A Puppy Show." and a truly appreciative article on "The Dachshund," best, surely, of all things "made in Germany." The chief points of the creature are described, for there is a purpose in his peculiarities, notably in his breast-bone, arm, and foot, all of them admirably contrived for digging earth. We know no particular reason why his tail should taper, but so it is ; and why, we may ask, should a great soldier have a beaked nose P