18 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 35

Saunterings in Book Land. Selected and edited by Joseph Shaylor.

(Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 3s. 6d.)—This is a collection of essays, ten in number, all of them published before, and all of them worthy of their place. Sainte-Beuve, Hazlitt, Charles Lamb, James Payn, are names which need no apology. Mr. R. Le Gallienne is in very good company, and his paradoxical "Philosophy of Limited Editions" is sufficiently readable. The "Limited Editions" against which sensible people "furiously rage" are of books which people are tempted to buy, not because they are good, but because they may possibly become scarce. Minor poets, who would naturally command a sale of about ten, were recommended to the public because only ten times ten copies of their books were to be printed. The attempt was, we believe, as we are sure it deserved to be, a failure.