News of the Week T HE most important event of the
week has been Presi- dent Coolidge's proposal that a new conference to discuss the further limitation of naval armaments should be summoned at Geneva. Further limitation would, of course, apply to the smaller craft which were left out of the scheme of the Washington Conference in deference to what may be called the Continental view championed by France. We have discussed in a leading article the familiar objection that smaller craft are the natural protection of the weaker naval Powers, and that therefore these Powers cannot consent to have a heavy hand laid upon them by their stronger neighbours. But; quite apart from this difficulty, Mr. Coolidge's action puts Great Britain in a quandary for the time being, because as a member of the League of Nations she has consented to an attempt by the League to reduce simultaneously the Armies, Navies and Air Forces of all the countries that belong to the League.
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