The Letter In Regard To China Which The Foreign Om"
sent to the League of Nations was published in the paper, of last Saturday and is an adniirable document. Although the Foreign Office does not see any opening at present f or......
* Full Accounts Have At Last Cleared Up The Mystery
of the Portuguese revolt. The rising which began in Oporto and spread to Lisbon was much more serious than the Portuguese revolutions usually are. The residents in the Capital......
• * • * The Attempts To Negotiate The German-polish
Trade Treaty have, temporarily at all events, been a bandoned. The two countries have not been able to agree abot■t the rights of domicile and expulsion and so, as the result of......
* * * Sir Austen Chamberlain Had A Very Easy
task in answering such a speech. As he pointed out, Mr. MacDonald in recent speeches had recognized that no Government could do otherwise • than protect their own people in......
As Sir Austen Chamberlain Said, The Government Who Have Done
nothing but seek and ensue peace have been balked by the absence of unity among the Powers and by the chaos within China itself. The Government's desire to meet Chinese wishes......
On Thursday, February Itoth, The Chinese Question Was...
the House of Commons on the Labour amendment to the _Address.. Mr. Trevelyan, who moved the amendment, threw the whole blame for Chinese hostility upon British policy. He......
The Rising Was Organized Partly By Officers Of The Army
and Navy who could not tolerate their exclusion from politics, and partly by other persons whose interests in political appointments have been threatened or swept away by the......
* * * * All The Reports Agree That General
Carmona handled his troops with skill and energy, though there will evi- dently be a heavy bill to pay for the damage done to Oporto and Lisbon by the heavy guns and bombing......
Dr. Haden Guest, The Well-known Labour Member,...
best to prevent his party from going to a division on a thoroughly mischievous amendment. He failed, in spite of the fact that many members of the Labour Party were notoriously......