Climate And Pure Breeds.
The argument goes very near to frank mysticism ; but it is not on that account to be lightly dismissed. Much of the evidence is very persuasive, especially in relation to......
February's Failure.
One of the most popular. of all phrases connected with the months is " February Filldyke." It means more than it seems to mean. As a rule about Valentine's day, or a little......
Wiry Kum ?
Yet another instance of foolish, frightened, cruel slaughter has been recorded. A stray badger in Folkestone has met the fate of the unhappy wombat that seared the inhabitants......
Country Life And Sport A Vary Curious Point In The
- relation of food to health has been investigated by some -apostles of the *New Health Society ; and if it is .made good and brought home to the people, it ought permanently to......
A Don's Origin.
'That bright, neat, foxy little terrier the Corgi, of South Welsh origin, whose coming was prophesied some months ago in this place, has enjoyed a very sudden and general vogue......
Fresh Food And The Farmer.
Whatever view may be held of this half mystic philosophy, it is quite certain that fresh food is better than stale, home- grown better than imported ; and this verdict applies......