19 FEBRUARY 1927, page 31

The Vanity Bag. By William Gerhardi. (henn. Os. And Ls.)—we

have here the concentrated essence of a novel, doubly, triply, quadruply distilled and exquisitely blended. It is more than a long short story, and has far more virtue than the......

The Music Of Words

The Queen of Seven Swords. By G. K. Chesterton. and Ward. 2g. 6d.) ONE of the questions a reviewer feels inclined to put many of the volumes of verse that find their way to his......


Divers Women in Story r cuckoo sings by kind. By Valentine Dobnie. (Knopf. is. 611.) Overbury Mystery. By Judge.Parry. (Fisher Unwin. 7s. 6d.) protagonist of the average novel......

Saul's Daughter. By Mary Gaunt. (t. Fisher Unwin. 7s. 6d.)

— Although Mrs. Gaunt's new novel is not written with quite the authority of that admirable romance, The Forbidden Town, it is exceedingly good reading. The scene is laid at......