Life And Laughter 'midst The Cansib By Clifford W....
(Hurst and Blackett. 18s. Mr. Collinson's lively book about the South Seas deals the comparatively unknown Solomon Islands, as well as the tiny Lord Howe group and with the......
Current Literature
THE LEGENDS OF AlsILABY AND CANTON : Their Neighbours and Neighbourhood. By Colonel Sir James Digby Legard. (Simpkin Marshall. 25s.)—A very old and interesting group of East......
Further Wanderings—mainly In Arc. . By M. E. M. Donaldson.
(Paisley. Alexander Gardner. —Miss Donaldson will find many readers, i n E ng land as Scotlafid, for her new volume on the Western High, and islands. She is discursive,......
Early Netherlands Maiolica. By Bernard
Beckham. xiv. + 136 pp. 56 plates (12 in colour). (Geoffrey Bles. £3 3s.)—It has long been known that Italian potters were settled at Antwerp in the sixteenth century, but until......
English Decorative Plasterwork Of T Renaissance. By M....
T. Batsford. net.)—The arrangement of this book seems altoge admirable ; it combines a lucid survey of the subject a wealth of detailed research which will be of inestini value......
Flowers And Elephants. By Constance Sit (cape. 5s.)—mrs....
not so much described I as she has painted it for us in dim greys, in faint blues, in b prussian and vermilion and grape purple. She has done than compile a book of travel......
Novels In Brief
EVELY1s: BERRICK, the heroine of Mr. Leonard Rossiter's remarkably clever first novel, That Ridiculous Woman (Selwyn and Blount, 7s. 6d.), has magnificent " spirit." But, while......
Peasant Art In Europe. By H. C. Bossert.
44 pp. 132 plates. (Ernest Berm. £9 9s.)—If peasant is now dead, as Dr- Bossert declares, his book is an cloy and impressive obituary. Upwards of two thousand speci are here......