" Sufferin G ," The Late Bishop Hedley Is Q Uoted As...
"gives a certain kind of intensity to acts of the will." If we would search our inner Jerusalem with lamps, their li g ht must certainly shine for us throu g h the experience......
* * * * " In Dark Lieu Of Heaven,"
Francis Thompson was g iven the " sacrosanct cajoleries " of numbers that shall endure with our lan g ua g e. The latest book about him (Francis Thompson and his Poetry, by the......
Mr. Rose Is The Editor Of The Oxford University Press
edition of The Darvishes, or Oriental Spiritualism, first published by John Brown in 1867 (18s.). Mr. Rose observes, acutely enou g h, that althou g h the author was haMpered by......
This Week's Books
Mit. STODDARD KING is well known in America a s a contributor of li g ht verse to the Saturday Evening Post and other journals. Some of his " facetious fra g ments " which have......
Sir Charles Sherin G Ton, Than Whom No One Could Speak With
g reater . authority, says in his introduction to Science for All (Ward, Lock. 6s.) that he feels this book will place our workaday life in a perspective which g ives it other......
Another Book Which Should Serve As Messen G Er To The...
of common i g noranee about the world we live . in is Chemistry in the World's Work, by Mr. Harrison E. Howe (Chapman and Hall. 15s.). What do we know of the Photo-electrie cell......
Mr. Edward Hutton Has Written A Very Charmin G Book On
The Valley of Arno (Constable, 21s.), illustrated with a number of reproductions of old prints. From the Apennines to the sea throu g hout its whole course, this is one of the......
We Have Rarely Read Such Twaddle As Mr. R. H.
Sanders has published in Healing Through Spirit Agency (Hutchinso n . 3s. 6d.). Apparently there are people who will swallow anythin g as lon g as it is told to them by " the......
The New Competition We Offer Two Prizes In Our New
Competition of £2 10s. each, one for men and one for women. Our readers are asked to ima g ine that they can only select their future husband or wife by means of a brief......