Mr. Rose is the editor of the Oxford University Press
edition of The Darvishes, or Oriental Spiritualism, first published by John Brown in 1867 (18s.). Mr. Rose observes, acutely enough, that although the author was haMpered by lack of access to a good library of works of Oriental literature, this lack is a positive advantage in some respects, for what John Brown tells us conies straight from living men, never from the printed page. Eastern mysticism cannot be learned from books, but only through contact with a teacher. The track of the tariquals is difficult for the Western enquirer, and the Sufis of Konia and Constantinople have no desire to erect "What to see " signs on their path to. peace. The author may be relied upon, as far as he goes, but he does not go very far : however we may be grateful for any light on the darkness of darvish practices. * *