Country Life and Sport A vary curious point in the
-relation of food to health has been investigated by some -apostles of the *New Health Society ; and if it is .made good and brought home to the people, it ought permanently to increase _the value of most home-grown food. The point, Which has long interested naturalists, is this :—Many breeders of horses •are convinced, and will take no denial, that, if anything goes wrong with the internal economy of their thoroughbreds the most certain and permanent of cures is to let them run on the pasture where they were bred as foals. It is believed that the native food has some beneficial effect on their health that -belongs to no medicine or carted hay or oats. Some of Our health reformers believe, and are delighted to find that horse breeders have a companion creed, that English people are much more healthy if they cat English food in place of foreign ; that English grain—to give -the most salient example—is more wholesome than Argentine grain. Similarly the Scotsman is so fine a type of physical and mental fitness because he is bred on North Country oats, owing to the happy accident that only Oats from the north will Make good porridge.