Let us offer our congratulations to our esteemed contemporary journal
the Eton College Chronicl?, which reached its two-thousandth number on Wednesday, February 9th. In an interview in the Sunday Tinter, Mr. R. A. Austen-Leigh pointed out that the Chronicle, which does not pretend to do much more than provide a summary of events, has outlived several Eton papers which were more literary, as, for instance, the Alicrocosm of the days of Canning and Frere, the Etonian of Praed's time, and the Eton Miscellany of Gladstone's. Informa- tion has triumphed over ideas and personality. But what a record of school news has been provided in the Eton College Chronicle since 1863 ! It has only once contained a cross-word puzzle—but that was in Greek. * * * *