A Library List
MISCELLANEOUS :---Our in the Blue. By Vivienne de Watte- (Methuen. 18s.) Wagner's Music-Dramas Acre; lyios sed; By Gustav Kobbe. (Putnam. 7s. 6d.) and Curtain Calls. By H. Chance Newton. (7'he Bodley Head. 12s. 6d.)--The Mystic Rose. New and revised edition. By Ernest Crawley. Two Volumes. (Methuen.
Ports of France. By Herbert Adams Gibbons.
(Cape. Diplonudist in Europe. By the lit. Hon. Sir Arthur Hardinge. (Cape. 16s.)---Population Problems of the Pacific. By S. H. Roberts. (Routledge.
21s.) Dependent America. By W. C. Redfield. (Wil- liams and Norgate. 10s. 6d.) Here are Mysteries. By J. G. Lockhart. (Philip Allan. 8s. Gd.) BOOKS ON THE SEA :--- The Navy of To-day. By Sir George Aston. (Methuen. 3s. Gd.)--- --Fighting Merchantmcit (Tales from Hakluyt). By Commander R. B. 13odi Ily. (Heath ('ranton. 10s. nd.)--Volume II. of A General History of the Pirates. By Captain Charles Johnson. (Cayme Press. 30s.)-- -- Surrendered. Sonic Naval liar Secrets. By " Griff." (The Author, Cross Deep, Twicken- ham. 42s.) Tin.: EAST LANDS :---Econontie Annals of Bengal. By J. C.
Sinha. (Macmillan. 12s. 6d.) Early European Bank- ing in India. By H. Sinha. (Macmillan. 12s. (id.)-- china in Turmoil. By L. Magrath King. (Heath Cranton.
10s. Gd.) China and the Nations. By Wong ('hing-Wai. (Hopkinson. 7s. Gd.)
MEDICAL :-The Modern Mental Hospital. By R. Hunter Steen. (Methuen. 6s.)----- Thought and the Brain. By Henri Pieron. Translated by C. K. Ogden. (Began
Paul. 12s. Gd.) Stray Leaves front a Physician's Portfolio. By James Crichton-Browne. (Hodder and Stoughton. 12s. Gd.)
LIT-Ea/tax- :-Targencv. By A vraltm Yarmolinsky. (Hodder and Stoughton. 20s.)------Second Essays on Literature. By Edward Shanks. (Collins. 16s.) NOVELS :-Tanapico. By Joseph Hergesheimer. (Heinemann. 7s. Gd.) The Vanity Bag. -By William Gerhard i (Henn. is.)- Your Cuckoo Sings by Kind. By Valentine Dobree. (Knopf. 7s. lid.)-- - Blue Magic. By Roy Devereux. (('rosby, Lockwood. 7s. Gd.)