FACING EUROPE. By F. Bausman. (Century Co. s. 6d.)-This is
a mischievous -book. Its scope is, inter aria, prove that the United States were " beguiled into war "
f• alse British propaganda ; that we had no right to prevent
e U.S. shipping war-supplies to neutral countries; the only good that has come out of the War was trough
ikon's only in entering it," for these delays enabled the ratan armies to crush the house of Romanoff, which would ierwise have been supreme from the Dardanelles to the inc ; that the U.S: will have to fight Great Britain presently establish " for mankind " the freedom of the seas ; and to pugn the sincerity of Lord Grey. The author also insists at Britain should cancel all War debts due to her by Europe, ough " in law and morals " she should pay every dollar she es to the U.S.