I that was said by the Chairman of Barclays Bank the r day with regard to the prosperity of London shops is inly born out so far as the big stores are concerned. In ease of Harrods, for example, the preliminary statement rafts for the past year shows that the net profits amounted (06,000 as compared with £693,000 for the preceding year. al dividend is recommended of 131 per cent., making per cent. for the year, or an increase of 21 per cent. over Previous year. The sum of £225,000 goes to the Reserve, the carry forward is increased from £82,000 to £105,000. ver, these figures, of course, do not include the profits out of the sale of the business of Swan and Edgars. profit amounts to £321,000, of which the directors will to £20,000 to the staff non-contributory fund, carrying balance to the Reserve Fund of over one million.