THE resumed sittings of the Co-ordinating Committee at. Geneva will . prove decisively whether the League States mean business over economic sanctions or not. There is every reason to believe that they do. So far, indeed, the Members of the League have agreed in a spirit of quiet but impressive resolution to do precisely • what the more cynical critics of the League have always insisted that they would never do. Already 1,0 nations, . including Great Britain, France and ,11,,tissia, have accepted after the fullest deliberation the proposal to ban all imports from Italy. It tetnains now to fix the date for bringing that important Sanction into operation. There can be no ground what- .hever for delay. Despite the loud professions of the Rome Press Italy is obviously deeply concerned at the Effects of this measure and desires urgently to postpone it, application if possible. That, it is reasonable to. 4sstline, is the explanation of Signor Mussolini's tentative peace-feelers, coupled with the suggestion that peace- t .r!seitssions cannot go on under the shadow' of sanctions' aiietions, it is necessary' to insist, were meant to be plit, and the sooner they • begin to be felt the better. but is much to be said for adding other minor Article obvious . measures, always contemplated under 'Irtiele XVI, such as the suspension of postal and other eotnn n utnicatio with Italy, which would tend to bring h -..,"-le League action to the individual citizen more his ' and directly than a ban on imports from ms country can do.
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