Lord Beaverbrook's Queries [to The Editoi Of The...
Lord Beaverbrook . requested me to tell him me views on Isolationism or the League I sat down furl lin-411 and explained exactly why, in my opinion , Isolationism:woo d result t......
The South Wales Collieries ' [to The Editor Of Tile...
811 1,7---The difficulty of collecting evidence about the conditions in the South Wales collieries is considerable. Like Mr. Gilkes, I, too, came away, after a week's visit,......
Refusal Of Military Service
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—In these days of crisis when the utter futility and crime of warfare is so vividly felt,. may I bring to the attention of your readers the......
Italy And The League
[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] Sin,—While •thanking you for including my letter h the columns of your periodical, I should like to point' out that, according to your footnote......
Arab Rights In Palestine
[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The letter published by Mr. C. M. Chapman in your columns last week provides a brilliant example of how parti- sanship can overstate a......
Miners' Wages
[To the Editor of Tun SPECTAToR.] SIR, --I€ miners' wages are not high enough, why is it ? If miners' wages are increased, what will happen ? Please let facts be faced. The......