The Mexican Adventure By Daniel Dawson Here At Last Is
a sober, carefully documented account of Napoleon III's unfortunate attempt to establish the Hapsburg Archduke Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico. : In writing The Mexican......
Contacts By Curtis Brown Mr. Curtis Brown's Collection Of...
(Cassell, 12s. 6d.) which he refuses-with, we hope,. an eye on some future occasion—to call his autobiography, will appeal both to all writers who are inquisitive about their......
Indian Gods And Kings By Emma Hawkridge Miss Hawkridge Has
set herself the task of telling the story of the living past of India, " for the intelligent but uninformed reader." It might have been supposed that amid the multi- plicity of......
Current Literature
MINOR MEDICAL MYSTERIES By Leonard Williams The physical and psychic personality of Dr. Leonard Williams is disarming to the would-be critical reviewer. If Dr. Williams has......
The Criterion Edited By T. S. Eliot The October Number
of The Criterion (Faber and Faber, 7s. 6d.), which continues to preserve its supremacy among English literary periodicals, is made exceptionally interesting by the inclUsion of......