1 NOVEMBER 1935, page 30
A • Steady Flame
Fire of Life. By Henry W. Nevinson. With a Preface by John Masefleld, O.M. (Nisbet and Gollanez. 8s. 6d.) " THE fire of life ; It sinks, and I am ready to depart." The verse is......
Ethics Of Political Gangsterdom -
" A THRILLING narrative of secret poliee'work on the frontiers espionage and Mounter-espionage . . " So the - lurid blui - V on the dust cover. Nothing could give a falser......
Graduates Of Douai
Tim age of Marlowe and Drake, to which the formal courtesy of poets has attached the name of a clever, unscrupulous woman, would have lacked the finest expression of the hinnan......