1 NOVEMBER 1935, page 17

'de Valera And The Crisis

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sat.—I write for the purpose of correcting two misappre- hensions (I own I, expected rather more) entertained and expressed by some persons in......

The German Intellectuals

[To the Editor of Tim SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Anyone reading Mr. C. M. Cadogan's letter in your issue of October 19th would naturally infer that the recent quarrel between Drs.......

Sentimental Justice

[7'o the Editor of Tim SrEcrATort.1 81 a,-----Mr. H. E. Norman, secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers, makes fun of the recent death of a Oecgyman in a......

The Oxford Group Movement

[To the Editior of Tau spEcTATort.] gra,—A series of cutting remarks are made by two of your contributors to last week's issue. One, on p. 657, cynically . refuses to Canon......

Letters To The Editor

[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. The most suitable length is that of one of our " News of the Week " paragraphs. Signed......