Governments And The Press [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—Sir Evelyn Wrench, in your last issue, quite rightly says that the problem of keeping the Continent correctly informed about British political aims is a major problem in......
Tun dead man spoke to me and begged a penny, For God's sake, and for yotirs and mine, he, said, Slowly under the streetlamp turned his head, I saw his eyes wide open and he......
• Stampede Into Sanctions [to The Editor Of Tile Spectator.]
SIR, —All my life I have suspected that the saying " There are far more madmen outside the asylums than in " is only too true. Now certain confirmation comes from Mr. J. M. N.......
Badger Digging [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
Sin,—Your correspondent, Mr. J. L. Hammond, gives an interesting account of a conversation 40 years ago with Lord Hobhouse—then a very old man—who told him that in hjs early......
Lord Beaverbrook's Queries [to The Editoi Of The...
Lord Beaverbrook . requested me to tell him me views on Isolationism or the League I sat down furl lin-411 and explained exactly why, in my opinion , Isolationism:woo d result t......
Isaac Rosenberg
[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,--We are engaged in preparing, at the wish of the pOced, executrix, a complete edition of the works of Isaac Roenbeig:, We should be most......
Roman Catholics And The Woolsack [to The Editor Of Tile
SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Unless I am mistaken, Viscount Sankey of Moreton, the predecessor of the present Lord Chancellor, is— and was when he sat on the Woolsack—a Roman Catholic.......