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London Sundays A curious little discussion at the ,X.ondon County session on Tuesday, on a prOposal that artists Perforthing 'in Sunday entertainments'should be permitted a certain amount of costume and make-up, produced -a singularly interesting speech from Mr. Herbert MorriSon cin the London Sunday: He agreed that many restrictions were illogical, but he was in favour of " putting a brake °11 a tendency to go pell-mell for sheer personal enjoy- ment of the more tinsel sort on Sunday," adding that it 'as no bad thing that Sunday entertainments should be . hi 'the direction of the artistic and cultural type rather than of a mere knockabout show. That, as Mr. Morrison Naleedecl, may not be flawless logic—to quibble about Yielding an extra inch seems absiird till it is discovered that enough have been yielded one by one to make an en—but it is sound sense all the same, and the Council recognised that by 'rejecting the proposal by an over- whelming majority. But •the problem' of the London Sunday, or, more generally, the British Sunday, remains, and more thought might with advantage be given to it, There is everything to be said for the endeavour to raise Public entertainments on that 'day of the week a little above the average level of the others, so long as they are '',1,0t raised clean above people's heads—of which there is little danger. The Bishop of Croydon and his friends rk:ve gone some way towards solving the problem in the 41°14 of .films.