[TO Till EDITOR Or Till " spsorarom.'
SIR,—In one of your leaders of last week I think you under- state the recurring cost of the Government scheme of land valuation in the future. It is quite true that Mr. Asquith first put it at 2150,000 a year, but he almost immediately corrected himself, and said that 2300,000 to 2400,000 would be probable. In the course, however, of his speech he said that of the 22,000,000 which would be the total initial cost, two-thirds at least would not recur. I therefore asked him towards the end of the debate whether the other third would recur; in other words, whether the annual coat might not amount to something over 2600,000; and he replied that his figures were very rough ones, but he hoped it would not After thismuch, though he could not say that it might not be. this statement I think we may be well within the mark in looking forward to 2600,000 as the minimum, or say 215,000,000 capitalised, and this, of course, is apart from the expenses of those who would be compelled to contest the