Hotice.—when Articles Or "correspondence" Are Signed With...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......
THE CHILDREN'S COUNTRY HOLIDAYS FUND, A WIND awakens with the day And sings a tune, And all the waves in yonder bay Will hear it soon, And leap and laugh the children's way From......
The Late Father Tyrrell.
[To TER EDITOR Or TUC "SPECTATOR.1 SIE,—As a biographical memoir of Father Tyrrell will soon be in course of preparation, I shall be greatly obliged if any of your readers who......
[to Till Editor Of Tier " Svictator."1
SIR,—Can any of your readers say how it has come about that the English Martagon lily (which, by the way, grows wild in a remote part of the Forest of Dean and may be indigenous......
[to Ter Editor Of Ter " Sprctator.1 Sie.4 Read With
much interest the article in the Spectator of last week on the "Country Names of Flowers," and wonder if any correspondent would draw up a list of plants which are supposed—when......
[to Ina Emma Of The " &rotator.")
Sin,—The old country names of flowers must vary greatly with the locality in which they are studied. In Essex thirty years ago the names common among the country people did not......
HIGHER EDUCATION OF BOYS.* THE authors of this book, pleading a lack of personal authority, which is unnecessary in view of what they regard as the urgency of their subject, set......