21 AUGUST 1909, page 20

[to Thr Edi Rim Or Tiii 5p10tat0r:1 Sni, — We Brought From

Scotland a collie about six months old. He was allowed, like several of the pets you have mentioned, to be with us at the breakfast-table, but never to be fed in the......

Country Names Of Flowers.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have been very much interested in the article on country names of wild flowers in' last Week's issue. But surely "eggs-and-bacon" is......

Do Animals Reason ?

(To THE EDITOR OF TEl ^ SFICTAT011.1 SIR, — Mr. E. S. Robertson's letter in the Spectator of June 26th reminds me of a little rough mongrel terrier I once had. She would beg for......

[to Till Editor Of Tier " Svictator."1

SIR,—Can any of your readers say how it has come about that the English Martagon lily (which, by the way, grows wild in a remote part of the Forest of Dean and may be indigenous......

Professor Aytoun And Sydney Dobell.

[To TOR EDITOR OF TUN •• 13TECTATOR.“1 p. 21 of the Memoir of Principal Story, lately reviewed in the Spectator, the following anecdote is extracted from his diary :— " March......

[to Tel Editor Of The " Ispbctatoi."

SIR,—Tbe illustration of the cow licking the stuffed skin of her dead calf is quoted in humorous vein by your reviewer, in the Spectator of Jane 5th, of Mr. Brewster'e article.......

[to Thr Editor Of Tun "srscrayor.."] Sin,—my Poodle Is Very

fond of carrying about a stick which be expects me to throw for him. The other day I was walking by a stream and be wanted to drink. He went into the stream and put down the......

Cheddar Cliffs.

[To THE EDITOR OF TIM "SescrsToo.."] SIR,—Those of us who remember Cheddar Cliffs before the quarry was opened on the north side of the road through -the gorge will agree that......