[To THR EDITOR OF TUN "SrscrAyor.."] Sin,—My poodle is very
fond of carrying about a stick which be expects me to throw for him. The other day I was walking by a stream and be wanted to drink. He went into the stream and put down the stick, which at once floated away. When be bad finished drinking and could not find it, he came to me and quite plainly asked me to find it for him. I showed it to him some yards down the stream. About a quarter of an hour later he wanted to drink again. This time, though we were walking down stream, he deliberately turned round with his head up stream, put the stick down so that it rested against his fore-legs, drank at his ease, and picked up his stick again. Was this mere coincidence or was it reasoning? Had he argued from what happened on the first occasion bow to prevent it happening again ? His action on the second occasion was very deliberate.—I am, Sir, &c.,
R. AcLAND-Tiumg.