The Cost Of Land Valuation.
[TO Till EDITOR Or Till " spsorarom.' SIR,—In one of your leaders of last week I think you under- state the recurring cost of the Government scheme of land valuation in the......
[to The Editor Of The "seicrarort."] Sir,—it Is...
so careful and interesting a writer on sociology as Mr. Harold Spender should have run clean off on these loose Colonial analogies which are not in the least relevant to our......
[to The Editor Of Till " Spectator... J Sir,—will You
allow an old reader to give a plain recital of his experience under the English law relating to leasehold property ? The actual figures are altered, but the proportions are......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1 Observe In Your
remarks of the 14th inst. on the valuation scheme, and the abandonment of the tax on "un- gotten minerals" and the substitution of a tax upon mineral royalties, that you truly......