21 AUGUST 1909, page 18

Tariff Reform In Scotland.

[To THE EDITOR Or TIN . 8PROTATOR."] Slit,—It seems as if Tariff Reformers have never realised two things: (1) how small a following they have in Scotland, as is shown by all......

The Budget And German Land-taxes.

[To TIIE EDITOR. Or TIIII SPECTATOR:] SIR,—In your note on Mr. Harold Spender's letter iu last week's issue you rightly remark that Oberbilrgermeister Adikes of Frankfurt cannot......


[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR:1 SIE,—The following lines from the Anti-Tacobin are worth noting just now :— " By confiscation, in whose sweeping toils The Poor Man's pittance......

Foul Play.

[To TEE EDITOR Or TEE "SPECTATOR." J SIR,—Honest men of all parties, whether or not they agree with you about Land-taxes, will hold that your censure in last week's Spectator of......

The Limehouse Speech.

[To TUB EDITOR Or VIE "8PECTATOR:1 Sut,—One small point seems to be overlooked both by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Charles Mallet (Spectator, August 14th). The......