No Impartial Observer Of The Political Situation At Home Can
fail to feel that it is unsatisfactory, nay, dangerous in a high degree. This is specially the case in regard to the internal con- dition of both parties. In spite of the great......
On Saturday Last It Was Announced That A Commission Had
been appointed to report upon "the measures that may be taken for the promotion of closer trade relations and for the develop- ment of mutual trading facilities between Canada......
As For The Naval Question, The Ottawa Correspondent Of The
Times says in Tuesday's paper that, according to official information in Canada, there is no difference of opinion between the Admiralty and the Colonies as to the contribu-......
On Thursday Evening The House Dealt With The South Africa
Bill in Committee, and after a debate in which Mr Asquith, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Harold Cox, Mr. Keir Hardie, and Colonel Seely took part, the measure was passed through without......
It Was Announced On Saturday Last That, In Response To
an invitation signed by several distinguished Oxford Professors, including Professor Firth and Dr. Osier, Dr. Arthur Evans had consented to stand as a Tariff Reform candidate......
The House Of Commons Was During The Earlier Part Of
the week engaged in debating the land clauses of the Budget, and in proving once more that the Government have dealt a severe blow at the cause of legislation by discussion. An......
We Have Dealt With The Question As A Whole Elsewhere,
and will only express here our satisfaction that the House of Commons acted with so much restraint and good sense as it did in refusing to run the risk of wrecking the Union of......
Unfortunately The Condition Of The Unionist Party Is...
bad. One would have supposed that at such a moment there would have been a general desire amongst those respon- sible for the leadership of the party to combine all elements in......
Similar Action Is Being Taken In The Case Of Lord
Hugh Cecil. Every one must admit that through his detachment of mind, and his power of bringing a clear and scholarly intellect to bear upon political questions, Lord Hugh would......