DIMING the earlier part of the week the gloomiest fore- bodings were indulged in here as to Rumania. But what are the facts 1 Rumania, like other Powers in the course of the war, including Germany and Austria themselves, in the first fortnight of hostilities no doubt bit off somewhat mire than she could chew, and has been obliged to retreat from the positions in Transylvania which she occupied in her original whirlwind rush. Accordingly her troops have fallen back upon the line of the Car- pathians—upon her old frontier. The retirement has, however, been conducted steadily and cautiously, without the loss of divisions or brigades, and indeed only with occasional unfortunate accidents such as are bound to occur when huge bodies of troops are engaged day by day in rearguard actions. The Rumanian Army in its retreat left no bloody trail behind it. It maintained its moral and its military discipline intact.