[to The Editor Of The " Bererazoa."] Sra,—the Limerick...
given by your correspondent Mr. L. J. Roberts may be found in the Lays of Modern Oxford published is the early " seventies " in this form (I quote from memory) " There was a......
[to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.")
SIR, —The verses on Jesus College (p. 441 of your last issue) appeared some thirty years ago in Lays of Modern Oxford, by " A Don," and to the best of my recollection ran thus:—......
[to The Editor Oe The " Spectator.") Sir.—ie Is Not
for me to criticize the conduct of a Fellow of Exeter, old or young; but in bare justice to the young lady mentioned in the Limerick of which two lines are quoted by Mr. L. J.......
[to The Editor On Tel " Spectator:']
Sal,—The late Silvanus Thompson was an expert in the manufacture of French Limericks. In tho spring of 1897 he was staying at the Tote d'Or at Dinant (now, alas ! a heap of......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Ste,—Seeing some Limericks in last week's Spectator, I think you may probably be interested in the enclosed. They were written long, long......
The Bicentenary Of Thomas Gray.
[TO TH1 EDITOR OF TER " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There is no need for me to remind you that next December witnesses the bicentenary of that delightful rural genius, Thomas Gray.......
[to Tim Editor Of The "sreerwroz."1
Sni,—A friend of the late Canon Aingor told me the following Limerick. which he composed at her house on the spur of the moment :- " There once was a nun of Siberia Who of......
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Might not the Provisional Government of M. Venizelos take as its motto two of the lines which were inscribed on the monu- ment of those......