21 OCTOBER 1916, page 10

(to The Editor 07 The " Spectator.") Sia, — Lord Hugh Cecil

contends that the proposal which he advocates " is merely to modify the procedure by which Parlia- ment gives consent to laws relating to the Church." He says that, in the case......


IRELAND'S MANHOOD. Pro THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOE."] Bra,—It is England's tragedy that Ireland continually forces her into a position in which justice seems oppression, and......

The Petty Official.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The multiplication of permanent officials, petty and grand, is an inevitable outcome of a policy under which the State undertakes to......

Kingsley On The Irish Soldier. (to The Editor Of The

"SPICTATOB."1 Sia,—The enclosed quotation from Westward Ho! is worth recall- ing d propos of the present situation in Ireland, I think.—I am, " The Irishman, when he is brought......

Ireland's Ditty To Her Soldiers.

(TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR ,—I think the following extracts from an article entitled " Ireland's Honour and Interest " in the Tuam Herald of Satur- day, the 7th......

(to The Editoe Op The "spectator. ") .

Six,—Let us be very gentle with the commissioned or non-conv missioned white " Babu " (see Spectator of October 14th). He is often a sore trial to us, but we tolerate him......

Ireland And Compulsory Service. (to The Editor 07 The "

SPECTATOR.") send you a contribution on the question of compulsory service in Ireland. As a former Member of Parliament for many years, and having given all my three sons (who......

Letters To The Editor.

DR. RASHDALL AND LORD HUGH CECIL. (To THE EDITOE OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—I am very glad to have elicited Lord Hugh Cecil's letters. I find great difficulty in reconciling his......