Your Income Tax. Revised Edition For 1916-17. (t. Nelson And
Sons. Is. 3d. net.)—The Income Tax was complicated enough before the war ; now it is for most people outside the Inland Revenue Depart- ment an insoluble riddle, and very few......
Mounted Police Life In Canada. By Captain Burton Deane....
and Co. 13s. net.)—A detailed and interesting record of thirty-one years' service with the North-West Mounted Police. Existence on the prairie and among the growing, struggling......
Scenes From "hiawatha." Dramatized By Valerie Wyngate....
Norman O'Neill. (Kagan Paul, Trench, and Co. 2s. fid. net.) —Whether or no one approves of the growing tendency to extract scenes from famous poems and prose works and adapt......
A New English Dictionary : Stead To Stillatim. Edited By
H. Bradley. (Clarendon Press. 2s. M. net.)—The latest part of " Murray," as every habitual user of it calls the great Oxford dictionary, brings near comple- tion the letter "......
Scotland. By R. L. Mackie. (g. G. Harrap. 108. 6d.
net.)--Mr. Mackie writes foi the general public, but he is in no wise to be confounded with the untutored-patriots or " common Burnsites," as Henley called them. who have too......
The English Civil Service In The Fourteenth Century. By T.
F. Tout. (Longmans and Co. ls. net.)—This reprint of a lecture at the John Rylands Library, Manchester, deserves notice for the light that it throws on the way in which England......