[to The Editor Or The "seseriaoa."i
Sin,—Tou may like to know that I know an Englishman who— seriously or imitatively—has tried for some months to buy land in......
A " Via Sacra."
(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Bra,—The writer from the B.E.F. referring to the via sacra, though admiring your previous correspondent's idea of a foret de guerre, does......
The Consolations Of The Classics.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Bra,—With reference to your article on " The Consolations of the Classics " in last week's Spectator, I think the following incident may be......
The Nation's Debt.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR.—" War is a young man's game," says Authority. True, but I beg to raise a word for those who, in the afternoon of life, waited for no......
A Battlefield For Sale.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—With reference to your remarks on the above subject, may I remind you that there is an interesting parallel ? When the fortunes of......
Recreation Clubs.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.") Sia,—Knowing your interest in any effort towards raising or improving the conditions of life for country folk, I venture to ask space for......
The Future Of The Church.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE '" SPECTATOR. " ] Bra,—I am grateful for nothing more than my weekly Spectator. It grinds no political axe, but guards the spiritual interests of the......
Mutual Prayer. (to The Editor Or Tim " Seecreroa.") Sza,—i
have for some time felt that it might be of real spiritual help to our men at the front if their women at home would arrange with them a fixed hour each clay for the interchange......