(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Bra,—The writer from the B.E.F. referring to the via sacra, though admiring your previous correspondent's idea of a foret de guerre, does not give any very definite reason why the " beautiful dream," as he calls it, is so impracticable. The originator of the " dream " no doubt has foreseen many difficulties. Are they really insurmountable? In former years the German War was a night- mare, and from its very hideousness few believed in its realization. Why cannot a beautiful dream come true? Therefore, I venture to dream still further that if a forest were planted along the battle line, clearings might be left at certain intervals where small memorial chapels, of beautiful yet simple design, should be erected, belonging to the English, Greek, and Roman Churches and other denominations. These chapels would be served by resident chap. loins who would be responsible for the care of the graves of their
fallen countrymen. This plan would, I think, give more scope for artistic design than obelisks, columns, and urns on pedestals, and they would be quiet places of meditation for those who will doubtless make pilgrimages to the last resting-places of their relatives and friends.—I am, Sir, &c., F.