Ethical And Religious Problems Of The War.* The General...
of this little book, beyond the particular merit of its constituent parts, is that it comes from the Extreme Left of English thought both in politics and religion. A set of......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column doss not necessarily preclude eubseguent regime.] A Nation and its Books. (Welsh Department, Board of Education. ls.)—This comely pamphlet, printed in......
The Hundred And Twelfth Report Of The British And Foreign
Bible Society. (184—The war has intensified the activity of the Bible Society. In 1915-16 it surpassed its own records by distributing eleven million copies of the Scriptures.......
Readable Nova's.—pat. By Thomas Cobb. (chapman And Hall....
sample of Mr. Cobb's usual social studies.—Lilla a Part of her Life. By Mrs. Belloc-Lowndes. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—A novel in which the author deals with the strange......
The Chancel Of English Iliuttches.* Mr. Francis Bond Has...
one more to the debts under which he has laid us, by this handsome volume dealing with the various orna- ments, altar and altar rails, reredos, piscine, sedilia, Easter......
The Russians And Their Language. By Mme. N. Jarintzov....
B. H. Blackwell. 6s. net.)—The intelligent student of Russian will be fascinated by this clever book—the work of a Russian lady who knows English extremely well, and is......
THE VERMILION BOX.t THE art of letter-writing is (quite erroneously) said to be dead. If any additional proof were needed of its healthy survival, it can be found in Mr. E. V.......
White Knights.—a Small Booklet For Distribution Among The...
which Mr. John Oxenham and Miss Beatrice Chase make an eloquent appeal for sexual purity among our soldiers. The Y.M.C.A, and the United Army Board are anxious that it should......