The Hundred and Twelfth Report of the British and Foreign
Bible Society. (184—The war has intensified the activity of the Bible Society. In 1915-16 it surpassed its own records by distributing eleven million copies of the Scriptures. Most of the two million seven hundred thousand English Bibles or Testaments went to our soldiers and sailors. It is good to know that the Society was able to continue its work in the enemy countries, where it circulated one million three hundred thousand volumes ; nowhere is the Bible more sorely needed than it is in those lands. 'The reports of "Foreign Transactions," in Persia, for example, are extremely interesting. And we cannot forbear to eita a letter from Canada in which the writer says that he had subscribed a hundred dollars towards the purchase of a machine gun, but, finding that machine guns were unprocurable, decided to send his money to provide Bibles for the soldiers.