[To THE EDITOR OF THE " Bererazoa."] Sra,—The Limerick partly
given by your correspondent Mr. L. J. Roberts may be found in the Lays of Modern Oxford published is the early " seventies " in this form (I quote from memory)
" There was a tall freshman of Jesus, Whose looks were intended to freeze us, In his boots he wore nails.
And his home was in Wales, And he lived on the strong beer of Jesus."
Perhaps the best known of the collection is the following :- " There was a young scholar of Balliol Who was asked what he knew of Gamaliel, He said 'twas a hill, And examiners still Remember that scholar of Balliol."
The date of the collection may be guessed from the following I-
" There once lived at Magdalen Hall, A man who knew nothing at all. lie was seventy-three When lie took his degree, Which is youngish—for Magdalen Hall."
—I am, Sir, 8:c., J. T. YORNSON.
University College School,