Of yearly volumes of children's magazines, we have to mention
:— Sunday .Reading for the Young. (Wells Gardner, Dayton, and Co.)_ The words "Sunday reading " are interpreted with a fair liberality, and we get here a really good volume, where instruction and enter- tainment are combined with real success, and that without giving offence, we should imagine, even to a strict Sabbatarian. The illustrations are numerous (there are more than two hundred and fifty, done by Gordon Browne, Georges Montbard, and other artists of reputation), and generally of good quality.—Our Darlings, edited by T. J. Bernardo (J. F. Shaw), is a volume which we always welcome with especial pleasure. Dr. Bernardo is doing so excellent a work, that anything brought out under his care meets with a strong prepossession in its favour. Our Darlings, of which. we have often spoken with praise before, would be welcome for its own sake. We observe that among its attractions, and certainly not the least of them, is one of Miss Holt's excellent historical tales. This time it is a story of the sixteenth century.—Finally, we have to mention Our Boys and Girls (Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School Union).