24 NOVEMBER 1888, page 24

The Annual Volume Of Cassell's Family Magazine Is Always...

on account of the wealth of interesting information about almost everything under the sun, and the wholesome fiction in the form both of serial and of short stories, which it......

The Treasure - Finder, By W. J. Gordon (frederick Warne...

differs from most historical romances intended for boys in this, that its chief scenes are laid not on the English but on the American side of the Atlantic. It describes certain......

We Have Received A Handsome Reprint Of Captain Marryat's...

story, The Little Savage, published, with some fairly good illustrations, by Messrs. Routledge and Sons. We cannot but think that, whoever the author, a new edition should......

The Story - Telling Album For Our Boys And Girls (wells...

Darton, and Co.), contains some two hundred pictures of men and things. We do not know why the particular epithet " story- telling " has been given to it. If there are any......

Birds And Beasts. By The Rev. J. G. Wood. (john

F. Shaw.)— It is really impossible to tell whether this book, having no date on the title-page, is old or new. This is not the first time by many that Mr. Wood, whom we are,......

Charles Lamb. By Alfred Ainger. (macmillan And Co.)—in...

make it uniform with his edition of " Elia's " works, Canon Ainger has reprinted and revised his Life of Lamb in the series of " English Men of Letters." The additions or......

Tales Of King Arthur And His Knights Of The Bound

Table. By Margaret Vere Farrington. (G. P. Putnam's Sons )—Miss Far- rington gives in a brief introduction a summary of the little that is known and the much that is guessed......

Current Literature.

On the Belief of Excessive and Dangerous Tympanites by Puncture of the Abdomen : a Memoir. By J. W. Ogle, M.A., M.D. Oxon., F.S.A., Consulting Physician to St. George's......

The St. Bernard. By Hugh Dalziel. (l. Upcott Gill.)—mr....

gives us plenty of the St. Bernard's history,—for, indeed, it has more real history than any other breed of dogs. There has always been much discussion as to the various strains......

Jack Locke. By Gordon Stables. (frederick Warne And Co.)—...

story is one of this author's well-known melanges of fighting, brine, breezes, and sound boyish ethics. It lags a little at the beginning, for Dr. Stables appears to think it......