A Garden Of Tares. By John Hill And Clement Hopkins.
(Vizetelly and Co.)—There is a good deal of cleverness in this story, which deals largely with the Bohemian section of the literary and artistic world of London. Some of the......
Lyrics From The Song-books Of The Elizabethan Age. Edited By
A. H. Bullen. (Nimmo.)—This beautifully printed little volume is a selection from the two volumes of " Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books ". already published by Mr. Bullen. It......
Vere Thornleigh's Inheritance. By A. M. Hopkinson....
the author of a novel, in the course of an elaborate description of his, or her, heroine, tells us that " a fortuitous sigh escaping from between her red lips broke the spell of......
Messrs. Marcus Ward Always Send Very Pretty Christmas And...
Year Cards, and the little etchings "with hearty greeting" are this year particularly pretty, as are some of the comic animal figures. "A Bear Civility," for instance, is very......
Fulcher's Pocket - Book. (h. Pratt, Sudbury.)—an...
provincial pocket-book. Great pains have been taken with the engravings, and the poetry, though still very mixed, includes a fair piece or two. The prize enigmas, too, are......
A Poor Player. By West Digges. 2 Vols. (remington And
Co.)—This is a very poor novel, but it is poor in such a very feeble and harmless sort of way, that any elaborate exposure of its poverty would be waste of time. Its persons are......
John Francis (publisher Of The "atheneum") : A Literary...
of Half - a - Century. Compiled by John C. Francis. 2 vols. (Bentley.)—In an introductory note to these thick volumes, Mr. Fox Bourne states that "through more than fifty out of......
Francis And Frances. (j. W. Arrowsmith.)—the Author Calls...
. an " inexplainable phenomenon," and certainly he does not make the slightest attempt to explain the mystery he relates. Perhaps it is well, for anything more hopelessly......
The St. Bernard. By Hugh Dalziel. (l. Upcott Gill.)—mr....
gives us plenty of the St. Bernard's history,—for, indeed, it has more real history than any other breed of dogs. There has always been much discussion as to the various strains......