The East African Blockade.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The views you have taken up with reference to the above subject must commend themselves to all who desire to see lessened the untold......
Letters To The Editor.
ELEMENTARY EDUCATION. [To T H E EDITOR OP THE " EPECTATOR.".1 SIR,—Twelve years' experience on the London School Board, together with some knowledge of the working of Voluntary......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.'] Sin,—it Has Always
seemed to me that the denominations have very much to thank themselves for the difficulty which they experience in maintaining their own schools. They have never sufficiently......
The Kinship Of Man.
L.To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin ,—I have not seen Mr. H. Kendall's " Kinship of Man " (Spectator, p. 1,565), but it seems founded on mere fallacy, and should surely be......
-- [to The Editor Of The "spectator."] 6111, — Is Not Mr.
Quick a little unjust to the present system of examination in elementary schools P Or is he unaware that, besides the test of reading aloud, there is in every class the further......