24 NOVEMBER 1888, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE Emperor of Germany opened the Reichstag on Thurs- day in a long speech, rather too full of his own individuality, he invariably using " I " or " we " where most Sovereigns......

The Debate Was Continued On Tuesday, The Evening Being...

chiefly for the speech of a very young Member, Sir E. Grey, who for this occasion deserted the Glad- stonians,• and whose incisive reasoning in favour of the Bill created a deep......

The Debate On The Bill To Increase The Fund Devoted

to buying out landlords under Lord Ashbourne's Act from five millions to ten, was opened on Monday by the Irish Solicitor-General, who in a speech of studied moderation......

Iv The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any


The Accounts Of Mr. Bright Are Not Altogether...

appears to be recovering from the attack of bronchitis, but it is stated that his system has received a severe shock, and that other ailments of older standing have gained......

Mr. Gladstone, Who Rose To Move As An Amendment That

a measure for relieving tenants in arrear should have precedence of the Bill, contended, first, that the failure to reduce arrears impeded the working of the Land Acts, inasmuch......